The project, titled Anamnesis, is a collaborative effort between Alexander Arce and Emiland Kray exploring the decay of memory towards nostalgia during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. Written upon the scroll are over 40 poems and over 70 cyanotype prints of hair. These materials leave an impression of what remains after the trauma of isolation and a yearning for a fantasized past. By creating this artwork, we acknowledge not only a shared need for mourning and a rejection of the numbness demanded of us by our capitalist system, but also a recognition of our shared experiences as precious. Anamnesis responds to the decay of memory by showing us the integrity and resilience within the human spirit.
Anamnesis, cyanotype print and inkjet print on drawing vellum and wooden dowels, 13.875”x168’, 2021. One of a kind
The project, titled Anamnesis, is a collaborative effort between Alexander Arce and Emiland Kray exploring the decay of memory towards nostalgia during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. Written upon the scroll are over 40 poems and over 70 cyanotype prints of hair. These materials leave an impression of what remains after the trauma of isolation and a yearning for a fantasized past. By creating this artwork, we acknowledge not only a shared need for mourning and a rejection of the numbness demanded of us by our capitalist system, but also a recognition of our shared experiences as precious. Anamnesis responds to the decay of memory by showing us the integrity and resilience within the human spirit.
Anamnesis, cyanotype print and inkjet print on drawing vellum and wooden dowels, 13.875”x168’, 2021. One of a kind
The project, titled Anamnesis, is a collaborative effort between Alexander Arce and Emiland Kray exploring the decay of memory towards nostalgia during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. Written upon the scroll are over 40 poems and over 70 cyanotype prints of hair. These materials leave an impression of what remains after the trauma of isolation and a yearning for a fantasized past. By creating this artwork, we acknowledge not only a shared need for mourning and a rejection of the numbness demanded of us by our capitalist system, but also a recognition of our shared experiences as precious. Anamnesis responds to the decay of memory by showing us the integrity and resilience within the human spirit.
Anamnesis, cyanotype print and inkjet print on drawing vellum and wooden dowels, 13.875”x168’, 2021. One of a kind